Archive | 8:04 pm

Christmas Party Night?

15 Dec

Mine is tomorrow but I have seen many people on their way to theirs. They are easy to spot – women crippling in heels and men honking of Old Spice hoping for a grope. At least it means the train is a bit quieter, apart from the bloke in front who sounds like he is Chuckles the Clown having some kind of seizure (sp?) on the phone. I cannot understand a word he is bellowing, although I believe it is in English. I have just realised – this is my last 18.46 of 2011. Tomorrow I will get a cab home from the party so this is my last evening encounter with fuckwits. Chuckles just got cut off, but persisted to say “hello?” about 9 times. Tool. He has given up – brilliant. Let’s see what London Bridge can bring onto the train – lovely, a woman wearing a coat that looks like she has skinned a thousand dalmation dogs, with Cruella deVille hair – but pink and white not black and white. Classy bitch. Maybe she is going for the Cruella look, she is managing it very well. Screaming kid has also boarded – sigh. So for my last journey I am treated with the usual smattering of freaks and fuckwits. Thanks Southeastern, merry Christmas to you too, you bunch of bastards. Well, apart from the driver this morning who made me laugh and the little old man who picks up litter at Cannon Street. Screaming kid has stopped screaming but is now just saying “how are you?” repeatedly. I think I would just try and swap it for a parrot instead – same effect, less stress and easily portable. Hoorah, parrot child is alighting at Greenwich. Bye bye dear. I wonder where Cruella is getting off. She looks weird enough to live in Greenwich but she is still next to me… I am not sure what my next guess is really. Perhaps Maze Hill, which is just past Greenwich and still a bit posh, by Jools Holland’s gaff. Yes, she is gathering her crap and standing up. Cruella has left the train. I predict a sandwich short of a picnic. I am hoping to see Sharon tomorrow as I got her a little something, but as her husband is driving her to the station tomorrow she wasn’t sure what time it would be and it might be later. We shall see. Will get it ready just in case I do see her.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes but it was posted with WordPress for BlackBerry dahling.
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Squally Rain and 7.31 Cancelled

15 Dec

The 7.31 had a train fault allegedly, but that seems to happen a lot these days. The train in between went through which is good so hopefully I will have my seat saved for me courtesy of Sharon. Posh Pikey is here in all his tweed-ness, with his iPhone 4S. He should move to Bexleyheath as he is so generic. The train is busy, but Sharon saved me a seat which I love. Lots of people standing now, and she is struggling to get off at Deptford. I am unsure where the squally rain is that Carol Kirkwood spoke of this morning, but it is very blustery. My eyes were streaming as I walked down the road. The driver is a good one today “nice one people, thanks for that, at least we will get to London!” meaning thanks for moving down the train “if there is any room” and making the job a bit easier for him. First driver in a long time that appears to have a personality. A rare occurance with Southeastern as they are usually Stepford wife material. The people on here are a miserable bunch mind, I laughed outloud at the driver’s comment and it didn’t even raise a titter with the livestock. I hope one day they wake up and actually engage with human kind. Struggled off, wasn’t too bad as someone further down was fannying around with a suitcase. The bus isn’t too bad…. For now.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes but it was posted with WordPress for BlackBerry dahling.
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