Archive | 8:05 pm

Santa Marathon

6 Dec

I was wandering through Broadgate Circus, admiring the lights on the ground and in the trees and a Santa ran past me. I had to stop and look, as there were soon four more following, also all running. They had numbers on their backs so I guess it is for a charity, and it is things like this that those stupid Occupy wankers need to take notice off – the alleged fat cats, dressing up like fools to do something good for somebody else. I am not sure which charity the money will go to, maybe Lee knows as I saw he had done a Santa marathon over the weekend, but I think it is lovely. I saw about 20 in all, none on the same route, but I guess they all had to get somewhere in a certain time. It did bring a smile to my face I must admit. The trains appear to be running ok today, and we have a slightly posher train for the journey home. Sadly whoever was on here before me thought that the floor was his own private brewery, and had left two beer cans there. I picked them up and put them in the bin before getting comfortable. The bin the fuckwit would have had to walk past in order to get off the bloody train. Perhaps it was Kevin, not seen him for a good few mornings now, wouldn’t surprise me if he gets drunk on the train instead of going to school. Just washed my hands with my trusty Carex gel, in case the owners of the cans was some kind of skank. Can never be too careful. For the first time in a while someone actually came aboard to clear the train of debris. I guess they don’t get the chance when the trains are fucked, which does seem to be very frequent now. Person in front has just sat down with a bag of fast food – am guessing McDonalds as there is one just up the road. It stinks. I hate being forced to smell someone elses food while on a train. It is right up there with nasty perfume and body stench. Chav chatting away on her pink iPhone “yeah well ma managa wants to go covent gardin nd wunts to take me wiv im so I shud go den init” jesus, that manager must be equally as fuckwitted as her. Keep getting whiffs of Mcdonalds burger sauce. I don’t know why people bother with it, he will be hungry again in about half an hour. Pointless food. Cannot remember the last time I went to get one – must be at least three or four years ago. Also baffles me why they insist on ploughing money into advertising. It’s not like there is a human on the planet that doesn’t know who they are or what they sell. I am getting iPhone rage now – the way people scroll with their finger annoys me. Like the way Sex and the City females apply lip balm with their middle finger instead of their pointing finger. Girl sitting next to me is doing the unnecessary scroll with her middle finger instead of her pointy finger or the thumb. Train is now going as fast as Brian the snail from Magic Roundabout – actually he might not have been this slow, all them drugs might have made him a bit zippy. The crawl continues, and I have more new pyjamas to get into when I get home and I am fighting every urge not to just change into them here on the train. Text about 18.25 just arrived at 19.01 saying it will be delayed by about 5 minutes. Is it just me or is that a bit deja vu? That happened yesterday too. Well, same old shit and a different Southeastern day. Bloody typical. Burger Boy seems to have finished stuffing his gob and his head has flopped against the window – clearly he is starving again and needing more food after the over priced morsel he just deep throated. Just booked my festive evening out with Serene, Alex and Jim for when I am home for Christmas. Now I must warn you that during the festive period, Bitch de Jour will be travelling to Plymuff for two weeks. Next Friday is my last official commute of the year. I will of course find various things to rant about in the home of fuckwittery and Janners but there won’t be two posts a day for a while but fear not my lovelies, as I will be back on January 3rd to continue lighting up your lives.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes but it was posted with WordPress for BlackBerry dahling.
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Drug Addled Station

6 Dec

While walking into the ticket office, someone was smoking weed, and it was STRONG. No reason to get monged at 7.35 in the morning, and I think it has left me feeling mildly out of it. I watched some wanker on a bike, all dressed up in his helmet, bicycle clips and high vis gear, only to ride up and down the pavement to poke things through letter boxes – in between licking the windows obviously. What a wanker. The druggy has just wandered down to the platform, I am glad he is sitting away from me. Idiots across on the opposite platform smoking, for the second day. I wish people would pay attention and realise the law is for everyone and not just everyone else. The Plumstead Eminem has sauntered down the platform – looking like his usual stupid self. I took great pleasure in barging Perry and Mutey out of the way when they tried to push in front when the train pulled in, and there to greet me was the lady again – yes Mummy, I will ask her her name, but I know her husband is Paul now – and we had another good old chat. There is a girl in front, updating her Facebook from her phone, with the usual self-pitying “I am fed up of 2011, let’s hope 2012 is better blah blah blah” update. Makes me laugh, why share something so generic with your friends? Pesimists are rubbish. No doubt something good has happened but whatever else happened has overshadowed it. I was pleased to see someone had arrived here yesterday after searching for A4e on the interwebz. I hope they enjoyed my letter and will tell their friends. We are stopped on the approach to London Bridge now, no doubt due to “congestion” which is a favourite excuse of the fuckwits. On the move again. Let’s hope buses aren’t fucked…

Sorry for the spelling mistakes but it was posted with WordPress for BlackBerry dahling.
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