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Know All Newbies

4 Feb

Fucking hell, sometimes I wish I was deaf. Last night on the bus that I stupidly got on to there was a kid screaming at the top of its lungs and nobody seemed to be interacting with it to shut it up. After a while I just turned to look at and asked very loudly “is anyone actually responsible for that?” and of course no response because mummy dearest was gobbing away in her own little world on her mobile while her vile spawn annoyed the fuck out of everyone on the bus. I got off a stop early to avoid further torture. This morning I wish I was deaf as some apparent train newbies were waiting behind me to get the 7.41 – he was very Irish indeed and she was English and as thick shit. Fuck me, the utter bullshit they were talking. He is clearly the train expert as he said that you don’t get a seat if you go to the front or the back of the train… He was adamant that he was stood in the best place to get a seat. Not today mate as there didn’t look to have been a fast train and the train was more rammed than usual. After the seat debate between them, he saw that the train was late and he seemed genuinely surprised by this and said that it happened sometimes to his equally as astounded companion. Give me strength – are they for real or are they just there so I have something to moan about? I am shocked that they can be that naive. Oh Christ the woman with the Biggles hat has just got on at Woolwich Dockyard again and she looks as much of a fuckwit as she did before. Chocks away? Jesus Christ. Anyway, back to me and the newbies and I do hope they don’t cross my path again because they were as thick as The Tweedles were back in the day. Train is as hot as hell again today which is unnecessary and I’m not in charge of the window today so will no doubt be a pretty puddle by the time we get to London Bridge. I was expecting fuckery this morning with the trains – email at 6.45 warning of doom as there were overrunning engineering works that would mean delays and cancellations for all the trains. Then at 6.47 another email arrived saying that all was well. What a fucking joke – make your minds up, wankers. The train just after 7 was hugely delayed I saw and the 7.21 was about five minutes late so I knew to expect fuckery with my train and I wasn’t disappointed or surprised. Shame that pair of wankers behind are new to Southeastern – how can you be the stupid? Time to post just before my shoulder is used as an ass rest for someone getting on at the ever popular Westcombe Park – oh here he is… Kill me now.