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Day 3

7 Sep

I got the 7.34 yesterday as it was late and so I had a chance to catch up with Debbie after my time off. That train however took me to Cannon Street which was overly rammed and hell to get out of because of the amblers. Today the 7.44 was late but I moved along to the next set of doors to avoid the rush of short formed wrongly placed wankers who should really remember the fuckage from Monday and Tuesday that must have caught them but they are too dopey to remember. Coming home has been nasty on the 18.30 and then the bus from Woolwich. The buses are always packed with people who stunk of BO and fried chicken. It is the odour of Woolwich and surrounding areas and reflects the cheap, nasty, jobless scum that live there. In short the last two days and this morning have been terrible. I may have had a seat but there aren’t enough seats as the trains are too short. They are running less trains and shorter trains so where have the rest of the rolling stock gone to? Who thinks it’s a good idea to run half hourly services from Cannon Street to Woolwich and beyond on short formed trains? All platforms were extended to accommodate 12 carriages and yet we never see more than 8 or 10 during peak travel times. Currently being made to feel sick by the vile specimen opposite me on the train. Wild, unkempt hair and disgusting looking wiry beard with bigger tits than me and a Buddha belly. It’s rank. Pasty pale skin and keep keeps sighing and thus blowing squalid beard breath in my clean direction. Just saw at Charlton as I passed the display board that this train is 10 coaches. I beg to differ as there is no way 10 coaches of space on this fucker. It is the new train again – the 7.34 was an old one with nice seats so I may switch loyalties or even try the 7.49 to Cannon Street to see what that has to offer – and there is too much standing room and will cause more people to “fall ill” which we all know translates to overheating without and breakfast. They better tweak this timetable and soon as we can’t go on like this for 18 months when I’m already fucked off on my day 3. There has to be a better option.