Archive | 5:45 pm


2 Jul


Not a bad walk this evening. A steady flow to get me to the station and not a huge amount of fuckery to distract me. The weird thing happened though when you pass an ambler, leave them in your dust and then you get to another part of your walk and there they are in front again, still texting away and being oblivious to everything around them. How does that happen? Did she wander into a black hole or a teleporter that got her there more quickly? VIB wankers doing their worse on the train as you can see above. I really don’t get it. The bloke in front of me is the same. Meanwhile in BdJ’s corner we are sitting nicely taking up one seat with my bag on my lap because I love it so and want to be near it always. I don’t even take the strap off when I sit down so I am ready to go when I get up to get off. Space hogging oxygen thieves. Now because I sit nicely I am penned in by a bloke with a really odd looking tablet but he is perching so I think he will get off at London Bridge and I hope he isn’t replaced by yet another hefty being who wants to make me feel their outer glow. Sitting next to the sweaty people is like sitting next to a Ready Brek kid – you can feel that orange line around them but they don’t look like Oompa Lumpa thankfully. Not many of them about in the heat as the mask falls away by ten in the morning and then they look as though they are suffering from vitiligo. I think the trains are running ok this evening – not a huge number if people waiting on the concourse which always puts my mind at ease a little until I remember that fuck ups must start somewhere and it could always start with my train. Man with the tablet is typing very slowly. I don’t get why people need to do that on the train. Just set up your phone with email and change the font size if you have trouble seeing it. Still four minutes before we leave – it’s dragging tonight. Looks like his text is all in lower case too. Hasn’t mastered the shift key yet to make a capital. Why get technology if you are going to abuse it? Makes me so mad. Why have an iPhone if you are still going to have an ipod as well? Combine the two. I’m going to post now as I want a musical interlude. I think a buggy has just got on and that will mean screeching kid when it gets hot and bored in about three stops time and I don’t want to know about that.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes but it was posted with WordPress for BlackBerry dahling.

Oompa Lumpa

2 Jul

She and the mother are right in front of me. The orange one is on her phone via hands free which is in both ears but she isn’t using those hands to apply her layers of makeup – what is going on? She must be cold today as the window is closed next to us and that is making me sweat which isn’t helped by the huge man I stupidly perched next to as he is somewhat overheating. It isn’t even warm but it is the culmination of having to walk along the road – buses again are nowhere to be seen – and then hopping into an airless train and it’s nasty. I have already had to use my tissue to dabble away the moisture from my face which was in rivulets down my nose area. I really am in a vile position as I am jutting out due to the massive man to my right, and the Mail reader is sitting across the aisle from me but has her bag next to her on the floor so people are let able to pass through easily. Christ hefty has nodded off next to me now – if he so much as sways in my direction he will get a punch in the face. I don’t have the patience to deal with someone I don’t even know causing me to be any more hot than I have to be. Oompa Lumpa revaluation – does she like girls? Just saw a glimpse of the wallpaper on her iPhone and it was in faceless girl in a bikini showing off her toned tummy… oh here we go, the mass application of all things orange has begun while she discusses the phone conversation with the drippy mother. Oompa has such bad skin so she shouldn’t use all that shit on her face because it just makes it worse. I imagine that when the spots are squeezed that orange puss comes out rather than the usual colour and that is because of the amount of shit she layers onto her mush every single day. I think I am going to post now as the train is filling up and I will soon have an ass resting on my shoulder and that will be from both sides if the hefty man has his way. Until this evening my lovely Obborati.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes but it was posted with WordPress for BlackBerry dahling.